[v5] Guitar fingering font: guitar fingering font for BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT hands is Bravura, the same font used for dynamic markings. The problem is that this single FONT STYLE is used for both left hand finger numbers and right hand p,i,m,a. At a correct legible size for left hand fingering, the pima indications are the same size as dynamics, so “p” (piano) and “p” (pulgar) look identical. This is especially problematic in polyphonic guitar music where the pulgar indication needs to be below the staff. Please advise how to correct this myself, if possible. I also recommend changing the default behaviour so this is no longer a problem.
I’m not a guitar player, but: wouldn’t it help to just relocate the p by dragging in Engrave Mode?
Hi @intelligentlife, there is a property to put the fingering Next to note. May be useful?:
I’m glad of this option, but I still believe that the size of the right hand fingering should be the same size as the numbers if there is only one control for the size of both. Also, when the “p” is attached to voice 2, it disappears when I select “next to note.” I made a video but I can’t upload here. See FB group.