guitar harmonics on tied notes

Using the small circle for harmonic notation, on tied notes it appears with both note heads. should be only on first.
harmonic problem.PNG

I am just curious: how do you play a note only with harmonics on the first note?
I mean, if you put down your finger, musically this would be a slur, right?

I’m not sure I understand your question. In the example it is a 2nd partial natural harmonic played on the fifth string, twelfth fret, with the 2nd finger and should sound for 1 and a half beats.

This is more of a notation question, but Dorico is acting correct here. Harmonic should be indicated at every note in a tie chain.
Here an example from Gould (similar to yours):

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-19 um 19.42.43.png

I’m not a guitar expert, but I would guess you can start a harmonic part way through a note (especially on electric guitar with lots of sustain).

On other instruments (e.g. strings) you can both start and stop harmonics during a sustained note. The obvious way to notate that is with tied notes with and without the symbols.

If the harmonic on only the first notehead is really what you want, you have two options:

  1. Use one voice for the first notehead, and a different voice for the subsequent notehead(s), then select both (or all) noteheads and hit T to tie together.
  2. Use the Harmonic (o) Playing Technique, and if necessary, set its Continuation property to “nothing” (or shorten the duration of the Playing Technique).

Certainly a note can begin as a regular pitch and transform to a harmonic; much harder, the other way around (classical guitar, at least).

I won’t argue with Gould. I would just point out that if one used the various diamond-shaped noteheads, both tied pitches would be the same shape/style. One wouldn’t have a diamond shaped note tied to a regular notehead, so I suppose following that logic, both should have a the circle above it, as Dorico implements it.

I won’t argue with Gould either. Thanks everyone for your input.