I have staves and notation setup for classical guitar and I want to put an ossia staff below the notation staff. When I add staff it creates staves for both notation and tablature below the notation and tablature staves. Is there a way to get that ossia notation staff between the notation and tablature staves and not get an ossia staff for the tablature?
I don’t think there is a direct way. Here a workaround:
- duplicate the guitar player
- put the second guitar in a group (to avoid instrument numbering)
- in Layout Options/Players/Fretted Instruments choose for Guitar (1) Notation only and for Guitar (2), whose name is not visible, Tablature only
- add the Ossia for Guitar (1) (show Ossia staff labelling in Layout Options/Ossias and Extra Staves)
- copy the music from Guitar (1) to the “Guitar (2)” Tablature (at the end of composing/input, since this will not be actualised if you change your Guitar (1) music)
The staff label Guitar will be positioned on the first staff unfortunately.
You may want to suppress the Playback from the Tablature staff to avoid double sounding (the ossia staff will not playback anyway)
Here the Dorico File example:
guitar ossia and tab.dorico (558.1 KB)
And a visual guide:
Thanks. I will try that. If it doesn’t work for my purposes, is there a way to reduce the number of staves per page for a section of music?
The Manual Staff Visibility (if this what you are referring to) doesn’t work with Tablature, because Tablature seems to be embedded in the instrument.
The ossias (and extra staves), on the other hand, can be activated and deactivated wherever you like.