H5 Library Selector Dropdown Box Issue

dude it is super easy. I scanned the cover of the jewel box, but you can download pretty much any artwork.

If you have any paint program, including the crappy freebie one that comes with Windows, open the picture and set the scale/size to 90x60 pixels. There is usually a function where you can just type in those values. This will give you the correct size picture. Save that off …

Open the tif template … depending on the program on how you do it, you are going to import that 90x60 image. It will fit exactly in one of the red squares. Do that 3 times to fill each of the squares.

Now, black out the text using a pencil tool or block tool. Select the text tool and type in whatever your library name is. Do that just under each picture. Use whatever font you like at around size 11ish. I did a better scan and size and used a fancy font just to mess around. So, I have a much better custom icon now. The one thing I didn’t do was make the black border transparent. You need to fancier tool, like paint.net (still free) so you can do layers for that. It literally took 5 minutes to do that.

I’m not sure I’ll do all of my libraries like that … I have a LOT of old GIGA and Akai libraries … I mean a LOOOOT. A couple of scotches got me through 5 or 6. But then it seemed like a waste of time for something I don’t even want HAH! I prefer the dropdown list method. All of this eye candy at the expense of functionality kind of ticks me off.

Anyone remember this blast from the past

I cant make out if you happy or ticked off about this , one minute your over the moon you can personalize your libraries and in the same sentence your slagging the whole idea off , which is it :question: :smiley:

hehehehe … I’m over the moon that we will have a way to get to our libraries without using a filter. I’m ticked that it is via this icon method which I think is a waste of time and effort. But, I’m really appreciative of the response provided by Matthias. It doesn’t matter if I don’t get exactly what I want, they acknowledged and helped. That’s all I think I could ask for.

I can’t help but play with stuff like this though … kind of a personality quirk. If something can be done sideways, I must do it.

Absolutely agree. Drop down or live-search is a must have for quick browsing. The extra step is a step to much.