H7/HS7 current issues

Dear Steinberg team,
it’s been 7 months since I reported the following errors. Unfortunately, this didn’t elicit any reaction. For me, a lot of this is important for ongoing development. I’ll try to explain the individual points differently and hope to be heard this time.

Graphical Errors (H/HS 7.0.20):
On certain Win10 systems, graphics errors like these occur:

Until H/HS 7.0.10, these errors were resolved by enabling d2dfix, a registry entry provided by Steinberg. Starting the latest H/HS 7.0.20 with d2dfix enabled now results in a crash.

d2dfix is provided and explained by Steinberg here:

Pulldown Menu Behaviour (H/HS 7.0.20):
Bug or “feature”? From H7.0.20 on you need 2 clicks to select a UI standard menu item (like amp type within amp fx): the first one only opens the menu list, then you have to release the mouse button and click again to select the item. It is common practice in GUIs (also in HALion until 7.0.10) , that you click-open a menu and release the mouse button over the desired item (=“pulldown”). Why are comfortable proecedures like this getting changed unnecessarily? What is the benefit?

FM Zone:
Muted or detached FM Operators still fully consume CPU. This means, a 1-operator FM Sound consumes the same CPU power as an 8-operator FM Sound! Could this please be optimized please, like with the VA Zone?

Macro Designer / Internal Script Editor:
Macropage with embedded UI script (no external file): each save/reload adds a space character at the end of each code line.

Macro Designer / Envelope Controls:
The focussed node frame is always painted in pink color regardless of definition (as shown below), because of misinterpreted elements of the Envelope control:
“FrameFocus” fills selected node instead of defining frame color,
“FillSelected” is ignored instead of defining filling color.
Env Node Color

Macro Pages / Curve Editor:
ValX/ValY/Curve readouts don’t work (see vstpreset “init basic controls dl halion 7”).
Curve Editor scope loses focus after deleting/inserting layers via script.

Macro Pages:
Envelopes, Grids, Menu Controls controls steal hover focus even of higher level elements (e.g. a hover button on top of a grid control).

HalionSonic File Browser:
Docked browser doesn’t remember size and divider position after closing and reopening.
Undocked browser appears at different positions after closing and reopening.
“Program”-Tab , click “load layer”: loaded layer preset replaces the whole program instead of the selected layer.

Random Crashes:
Occasional crashes when closing H7 standalone and then opening HS7 standalone, replacing a preset while opened in Designer, etc.
After quitting standalone version, Windows Task Manager sometimes shows H/HS continue running as background task. So the ASIO driver is not getting released and I have to restart the PC.
Freezedump-Files with 0 bytes size often appear in the Steinberg/CrashDumps folder.

Popup Preset Browser Size (urgent suggestion, no bug):
Some popup browsers remember a changed dimension when reopening, e.g. the Wavetable browser. Can you please adapt this behavior for the Custom Preset Browser template, as its default dimension is far too small and has to be laboriously expanded every time it is opened!

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Hi Fantacyzer,
the d2dfix is indeed only for HALion 6 and as development goes on, we had to remove the fallback solution in H7/HS7 so that the d2dfix won’t work anymore. The upcoming maintenance H7/HS7 will ignore the registry entry so that it won’t crash.
Drawback: The rock-bottom reason for the graphical glitches have to be fixed by an update of the graphic device driver.
Unfortnately, we can’t provide a workaround for that any longer.

best regards
Gerrit Junge

Hi Fantacyzer,
i can confirm that the behaviour has changed with version 7.0.20.
If it’s a bug or feature I honestly can’t say. But as it is a feature loss I will treat it as an issue and it’s now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID "HALLY-10712”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.

Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge

Hi Fantacyzer,
correct, the 8 Operators will be processed in one go and that consumes a reasonable amount of CPU power.
But, due to our benchmark-tests are the calls for muted or detached operators and the then required splitting of the “one go” process into several ones, even more CPU consuming.
Modulated Operators are an exception because they will be definitely processed separately.
Currently we will not change anything here.

best regards
Gerrit Junge

Hi Fantacyzer,
I’m able to reproduce it here. Its now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID “HALLY-10716”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.

Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge

I can’t reproduce this here with the version I have so far. Perhaps it’s fixed already. I have to try again with the release version.

This will happen if none of the layer has the focus, correct?
no focus


Dear Mr. Junge, thank you very much for taking care of my report!

The issue with replacing the whole program instead of the focussed layer happens, if a layer has the focus and you load a Layer Preset via File Browser instead of Mediabay.
So in your example, you click layer 3 to set the focus, and the Mediabay automatically opens with a list of available Layer Presets (not Program Presets). Alright. If you double click a Layer Preset, layer 3 will be replaced with that Preset. Alright. But if you switch from Mediabay to Browser and double click a Layer Preset file, the whole program will be replaced instead of the focussed layer. That’s the issue.

Ok, I see! I’m able to reproduce it here. Its now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID “HALLY-10719”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.

Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge

@Gerrit_Junge, you may be interested in the issue that I believe I didn’t have some time before. I don’t know if I installed a specific Windows, Cubase or Halion upgrade when it started, but it should be rather recent, perhaps 1‒2 months. When I click on the Add Midi Module or Add Bus Effect button in the Program Tree (only one available depending on current selection, naturally), Cubase 13.0.40, the latest, throws a box with a message to the effect that the plugin Halion7.vst3 crashed, and offers to save the project under a different name. Halion 7 UI becomes frozen until Cubase is restarted. The About Halion box says v7.0.40.251 [64 bit].

I have Windows 11 the latest (23H2, I believe), v.10.0.22631.3737, NVIDIA RTX-3070Ti as a discrete PCIe card (this is a desktop). Upgrading its driver to the latest Studio one didn’t help. The peculiarities of my setup are:

  • A 8K monitor with an enormous resolution of 7680×4320 (Dell UP3218K), the only one connected to the machine. This thing requires two DP cables from the card to the monitor.
  • Windows scaling is set to 250%, below the default 300% that Windows sets for this monitor by default — I’m slightly myopic, and comfortably fit more stuff on screen when I take my glasses off :slight_smile:

I tried messing with NVIDIA parameters in its setting app up for Cubase specifically to no avail. I set Vertical Sync to Fast, as it helped with artefacts pre-13.0.20, and tried to tweak some other parameters, to no avail. I don’t really understand what they mean, but there aren’t many related to 2D-rendering, just hoped for some magic to happen suddenly…

I kinda became used to adding MIDI modules and plugin effects via the right-click context menu in the Program Tree as a workaround, which always works. But a fix would be nice indeed! :slight_smile: Do you perchance have an idea what I could try to fix this problem: an NVIDIA setting, a registry tweak, something like that?

Hi cnyll,
unfortnately I’m not able to reproduce your problem here, but I’m quite confident that we can pin down it somehow. As you use Cubase on Windows please have a look here :
and delete all existing files.
Launch Cubase and load HALion and do the necessary steps to provoke the crash.
Quit Cubase and go again to: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Steinberg\CrashDumps and send me the newly created crash-log.

Does this HALion crash happen only as plugin in Cubase? How about running HALion as Standalone. Will it crash there too?
Another trial would be to experiment with the Windows scaling settings and possibly in Cubase.
Preferably Windows = 100%, 200% or 300% and Cubase Application Scaling = “use system default”
Is it getting better?
best regards