Had a crash while opening my template

Not have a crash while opening before , mainly crash on quitting , work around simple just re start Nuendo and open again works fine then

Nuendo 13-2024-08-27-153710.ips (395.6 KB)

I would start looking at 3rd party plugins in your template.

had Nuendo quit again while opening a new template , this time with a different looking crash log . can anyone see what crashing Nuendo on this ? Thx
ExcUserFault_Nuendo 13-2024-09-02-123048.ips (434.8 KB)


The first crash is caused by Kontakt 7.

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 Kontakt 7 0x521a40ed0 NI::DB3::Frontend::createUpdateFactorySoundInfoToCurrentTaxonomyMapper() + 0

Maybe make sure your Kontakt Library is installed / mapped correctly with Kontakt?


The second crash may be related to not clearing your RAM, nor clearing the plugin library of Nuendo. Did you remove the Kontakt plugin from the plugin folder yet? I’d try that.

The other thing to try, albeit a PITA, is to try to build a new session, but not make it a template yet, until you find exactly which Kontakt library is not working, if it is not the main one. Good luck!

0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x191f18d88 semaphore_timedwait_trap + 8
1 Nuendo 13 0x104033388 0x1020a4000 + 33092488
2 Nuendo 13 0x102800fd0 0x1020a4000 + 7720912
3 Nuendo 13 0x104032dfc 0x1020a4000 + 33091068
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x191f59f94 _pthread_start + 136
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x191f54d34 thread_start + 8

Thanks for the feedback, so a couple of things I definitely have not removed k7 , Also, all my sample parhs and links are current.

This is a new thing, and I’ve been working on this template on and off for a few months each time I add I do save a new version, so I can always go back a couple of versions and try and pin down what it is that’s crashing maybe it’s an actual library related to K7

Why I find this slightly odd if I immediately reopen Nuendo and reopen the template it never happens .


I should also add , my computer is a MacBook Pro which runs my studio set up and also I use mobile , instead of waking it up today I did a restart before opening Nuendo and is didn’t crash with my latest template . I am going to try this everyday for a while and see if this helps .

maybe it clears the ram better for k7 ?


This crash comes from NI Kontakt 7:

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   Kontakt 7                     	       0x521a40ed0 NI::DB3::Frontend::createUpdateFactorySoundInfoToCurrentTaxonomyMapper() + 0
1   Kontakt 7                     	       0x521480bc4 cxbrowser::config::createKontaktDatabase() + 564
2   Kontakt 7                     	       0x52147fc1c cxbrowser::CXBrowser::CXBrowser(ni::nonnull_function<std::__1::optional<strong::type<strong::type<std::__1::array<std::byte, 32ul>, ni::odr::utils::sha256_tag, strong::range, strong::indexed<unsigned long>, strong::ordered, strong::default_constructible, strong::equality>, ni::odr::models::asset_handle_tag, strong::range, strong::indexed<unsigned long>, strong::ordered, strong::default_constructible, strong::equality>> (std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&)>) + 64
3   Kontakt 7                     	       0x520f8f1b0 BABInstrument::createCXBrowser() + 248
4   Kontakt 7                     	       0x520f8ee04 BABInstrument::initEntities(bool) + 480
5   Kontakt 7                     	       0x520f8afd8 BPlugin::setupParameters() + 80
6   Kontakt 7                     	       0x520faf6bc NI::AB::InterfaceVST3Headless::initialize(Steinberg::FUnknown*) + 72
7   Kontakt 7                     	       0x520f89a9c BPlugin::initialize(Steinberg::FUnknown*) + 32

Please, make sure, you have the latest update installed. If this is the case, get in contact with NI, please.


This crash:

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x191f27998 os_fault_with_payload + 8
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	       0x191f2f498 __darwin_check_fd_set_overflow + 212
2   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x58715aca8 0x587044000 + 1141928
3   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x58715af70 0x587044000 + 1142640
4   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587121d7c 0x587044000 + 908668
5   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x58712230c 0x587044000 + 910092
6   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587121fe0 0x587044000 + 909280
7   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x5870fde7c 0x587044000 + 761468
8   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x5870feca0 0x587044000 + 765088
9   NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587115628 0x587044000 + 857640
10  NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587184dec 0x587044000 + 1314284
11  NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587048764 0x587044000 + 18276
12  NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x587048c10 0x587044000 + 19472
13  NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x58705b388 0x587044000 + 95112
14  NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-4nr3ANcO	       0x5870613b8 MainCPS + 68

This is, what helped a Logic user with the same error.

Ok thanks , also just had this crash while adding and insert of Sineplayer in same project is this also Kontakt ?

Nuendo 13-2024-09-03-120946.ips (3.5 MB)


This crash points to the admeditor.

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   admeditor                     	       0x329161148 0x329000000 + 1446216
1   admeditor                     	       0x329160cd4 0x329000000 + 1445076

wow what’s the admeditor? part of Nuendo


I wasn’t sure, but yes, it looks like built in Nuendo’s ADM Editor.