Had an accident, how to go back to previous save?

I don´t use Auto Save for various reason. Auto Save is bad. There´s been lot of discussion about it before in various forums.

I do make regular backups.

I guess I have to do more “Save As New”, so guilty there.

Yes, my mix is ruined for sure now, but I will probably get it back together manually, but it will require few days of extra work. But I´ll never get it identical with the latest mix I had, before I stepped into that damn booby trap.

I wonder what else booby traps there are?

But seriously, Steinberg should do UNDO all moves, then there´s no danger ever.

How on Earth is autosave bad if it doesn’t overwrite your current project?? It creates .bak files. If you mess up you close the currently open file and open the .bak file, which I usually rename first but is not necessary. I have Cubase set to autosave every 5 minutes. Plus, I save as a new version with every major update or change - like I just wrote the chorus → save as a new name. Just finished the bridge → save as a new name, etc


I´ve used the autosave before and it was very unreliable. Very often crashed my project and many have reported the same. Everytime when I save the project locks for 10-20 seconds (beachball rolling on my screen) and this is the crash danger zone, if I am clicking fast anything else. So I want to be in control when I´ll take that little save break and not be doing something important when the computer decides to save.

I´m just wondering can´t there be those .bak files with manual save? What´s the difference?

Interesting, I’ve used autosave set to every 5 or 10 minutes (can’t recall the exact time I have set) in Cubase SX3 for years and now Cubase 6. I’ve never once had an issue with it crashing, nor even slowing down or hanging in the slightest due to autosaves. I just checked the sizes of the backup files for a few of my completed songs and they are only about 2-3 megabytes on average. Can’t really see how a save of that size would hang a project.

Can anyone else lend their experience on this?


Actually Autosave used to hang the program for long enough to be annoying when I had a slower PC. But still only 3 or 4 seconds at most.

On my current machine I occasionally notice it hang as it saves while I’m trying to do something else but it’s only a second or so…not a problem at all.

I’ve never had a crash caused by it as far as I’m aware.

Maybe the problems mentioned are more common among Mac users.

Anyway, not to get in a debate whether my working methods are right/wrong (apparently wrong since this accident happened), the question I have:

Would it hurt Cubase to have UNDO for ALL moves? And the same save log for manual save as well?

Because making Cubase foolproof is very difficult as fools are geniuses at breaking things. :mrgreen:
Would it hurt for you to accept that YOU have made a mistake and get over it. Quicker and happier in the long run as you are not a fool and will not make the same mistake again.

Yes, I have accepted it and moved on.

Maybe YOU can´t accept the fact that Cubase is not perfect? And it would surely benefit from my suggestions, at least it wouldn´t hurt anyone.

And for the record I didn´t push that button on purpose, I was going to rename a clip, but just accidentally clicked too early.

But, like any tool, you work with it as is. Suggestion is OK but realism has to take over and sulking on any feature absence that you have thought of only because you made an understandable mistake won’t do much good in the short run. Any suggestions taken note of will take some time to arrive if they arrive at all.
I can think of many things but as I, like you, only make the mistake or use something very rarely it’s best to learn to program myself not to do that again if I can. Cheaper too as they’d probably feature that and charge you for it.
My hammer isn’t perfect as it hasn’t got a thumbguard on it but would that advance my woodworking creativity if I suggested it to the makers? :mrgreen:

I would need “UNDO for ALL moves” anyways, not just because I had this accident. It sucks not to be able to undo/redo fader movements, pans, etc…

Isn´t forums also for suggestions and user feedback? Steinberg has added many features before from user suggestions, so why not now?

Personally, I prefer having undo the way it is now. I like being able to undo certain things of consequence, and for me that doesn’t include mixer movements or window positions/ sizes.

If the mixer would get a separate undo function (and undo list) I wouldn’t mind. Better even, would be to have the possibility to save mixer scenes within projects.

BTW, there is already a feature request thread about undo:

As I said. Suggestion is OK. This comes across as another “it must be esasy-peasy, so do it” commands. Try not to use the word “sucks” as on the other end you don’t know if the designer is saying “No, the user sucks” for having made a simple mistake he wants to change what the designer spent months programming.
If you want something done by the only man who can do it you are best advised to use a little common.
Remember. YOU are the only one who seems to be asking. They will only do a custom version for you if you pay them many $.

I´m not the only one.

All right you two. :mrgreen:

I don´t know what´s your agenda, but you have contributed nothing in this thread. Except pointed out that my working methods are wrong, my feature suggestions are bad and Cubase is pretty much perfect. Are you working for them?

I mean seriously, you don´t have any improvement suggestions yourself? If you do, I would love to hear them.

I don’t know what your agenda is. You own up to a mistake and then blame Cubase for it demanding a radical “improvement” as mistakes like your MUST be catered for at ALL times.
Poining out your working methods are wrong IN THAT SINGLE CASE is very helpful as now you’re less likely to do it again.
And where did I point out your feature suggestion was bad? Huh!? Go on, point it out to me. All I ADVISED was that it was unlikely to be implemented unless hundreds or thousands even, were doing what you did. Because it’s a MINOR issue, geddit?.
Thus trying to save you the trouble of demanding it for weeks on end.
Now you’re demanding things off me.
Take your head outa there and smell the ribbing coffee. Or maybe you take too much offence to be real.
Griefing is against forum rules. You know like in every post you get a “why can’t I do this?”, “why can’t Steinberg do that?” “please Steinberg” over very minor issues, or pick a fight with someone over very little. Maybe you work for another company. Hmm? :laughing:

Not trying to stick up for anybody, but when there is no option for you to fix the issue you had… well then no one technically can contribute in this thread other than tell you to use auto save in the future. You can email Cubase for feature requests, but whether they will listen or not is unknown. Posting the suggestion for Undo for All Moves in a post within a thread isn’t likely going to get the feature integrated.


Wow conman, you must have no life. Still contributing nothing, but instead trying to insult me and my working methods. Do you write here daily and harass other Cubase users? It would seem so according to your posts. You´re the one doing all the “griefing”.

I´m actually bringing something on the table (maybe it´s time for you to do the same or get out of my thread, ok?). Cubase would benefit a lot from my suggestions whether you agree or disagree, the end. You´re doing nothing, but trolling.

Of course I know there´s no fix, I wouldn´t have started this thread if there was.

And whether my suggestions are heard or not by the Steinberg team, I think I have to right to put them on the table without any harassment and insults from other forum members, right?

Where are the insults? Harrassment? “Methinks the lady doth protest too much” (Shakespeare).

All you did was make a mistake. No big deal. We all do that. And we get gently ribbed for it too.
But we get on, we don’t moan about (the bad design of) the hammer that WE hit our own thumb with. :mrgreen:
Well we might for a minute or so and then reality should take over again.

This improvement. How would the design take shape? Seriously now. It needs thinking through if you’re serious about it. The question I always ask before suggestions is “Would it create more problems than it solves?” “Would it be cheaper, quicker and simpler to reprogram myself?” and “Do I need to look more closely at WHERE the error was made at the software and the manual to see if there was any new feature that is already there or a new feature that tripped me up and which I must maybe relearn a little to get it into my head?”
Cubase has literally thousands of things that can trip us up even after decades as new bits arrive. And, seemingly many people trip over different bits. It’s hard work (for us) but it’s easier to leave us tripping than for the programmers to worrit over everything for us for the next decade.
That’s why I said the suggestion is OK but you may have to wait years for it to be addressed if at all.
You’ve made the suggestion, it’s there and we can’t unsuggest it. They look at it and you wait as it’s all you can do.
At least we bump it for you.
And if you find that offensive I’ll have to just pray for you.

Rev’s right. You should start another thread on this if you feel strongly. It’s kinda hidden here. The “autosave” suggestion was realistic as well. If you decide the autosave route and gave it up becuae you find your C drive is getting full then redirect the saves to another drive from the “Project Assistant” via the boxes at the bottom.