Halion 1 Saga


In another post had problems which have now sorted

But I have noticed that I cannot Find Yamaha S90 piano?

Is this installed as standard, Can anyone help, cant select it, find it in Windows, or in Media Bay? It was there once

Halion 1 is not the same as HalionOne FYI…

Sorry Halion One it should be

Have you tried looking through your media bay browser ‘tree’ to make sure the folder containing it is actually being scanned in media bay? It SHOULD be in… ‘VST sound/Factory content/user content/VST3 presets/steinberg media technologies/HALionOne’. you should see a folder for SR OneSoundz Silver and one for Yamaha S90ES in here.

Hi Matt

No its not there, All my areas of all my drives are ticked, but in that specific location its not there, it also is not found in any way of searching

Is it on the Install disks? Wonder why it was not installed when I re installed Halion One

Yes it’s included on the install discs mate… might be worth running your installation again and just check the ‘install halion one content’ option… worth a go!
I found a little while back that if i installed it to a location other than the default path that cubase struggled to find certain things so i uninstalled, put it back to the default path and it worked perfectly.

Woah there theres a VST Sound Collection Vol.1 disk

Voila - Upon Install its there in Media bay :blush:

Erm humble apologies, but thanks for helping :confused:

LOL… no worries mate… we’ve all done things like that.