Halion 6 Crashing again

Hi, Just been working on another “How to video” and Halion 6 crashed about six times in an hour.
changing the font colour or selecting an effect. I’ve got it all recorded live, you can have a look/listen but I may need to put some Beeps over the vocal track ! Never had this problem before, worked on this video yesterday and today, the problem keeps reoccurring. This is after I loaded the latest update.
This was running through Cubase 10.5 with latest updates. not aware of same issue when tunning Halion as stand alone.

OK back again, I’ve tried the same things in Halion 6 as a" Stand alone" and it works fine but when its loaded in to Cubase 10.5 it jumps from Macro Page Designer page back to the main page ~(and loses all unsaved work)
This is when I was just trying to change a Label font colour from Black to White:- as soon as I choose a different font it jumps straight back to the main page.
The same thing happens when I trying to add a new effect- it jumps back to the main page.

For Macro Page Design I only use the Stand Alone Version. But I also have problems with crashing. Sometimes it crashes if I connect a Parameter via Drag and Drop. Sometimes when I change some settings for example the Frame Number of a Custom made Knob in the Ressources. I also have some crashes before the newest Update…

Yes I’m sorry to report that’s what happens all the time when I’m doing exactly that.