Halion 6 Missing Content

I updated Halion 5 to Halion 6.I downloaded the ~30gb package and I installed Halion 6 to C:/Windows/Steinberg where my old Halion 5 was.

Then i installed the Halion 6 update, next the content update.

Halion 5 always worked perfectly, but now every time i launch Cubase and Halion i get error message that “42 files are missing” etc.

I have tried re-installing, and i seriously have no idea what to do. I even tried re-downloading everything and installed again. No results.

Halion 6 is at the moment unusable, as it doesn’t even load all the presets. There is just this red “!” and when i click it, nothing happens.

I am even missing the raven etc. sounds.

Did i install it in the wrong location? I have no idea.

Replying to this year old thread even though you probably won’t see it, just to let you know I’m going through the same thing.

My laptop died and I got a new one. I have the Absolute collection on a desktop, with the usb license. I wanted to be able to use Absolute on the laptop too, so tried loading it from the desktop. That only partly worked, and I get the same error messages about content.

I tried to use the Download Assistant for two days straight. It gets somewhere between 3 and 15 GB and then I get a ‘failed’ message.
It also tries to put it in my ‘download’ area, and I don’t know where to move it to if it ever finishes.

Totally frustrating. I’ll probably open a ticket with Steinberg, but I don’t hold out much hope. It might work better if the the giant dl file could be broken up into smaller sections, and if there were some kind of directions on what to do with the downloads.