Anyone else getting the symptom where you load a patch and the gui shrinks to tiny little box that you then have to drag out?
It all sounded goood!
Astonishing …thank you so much for this! Harmonic nirvana.
+1 on this , it really is an incredible sounding Osc
Great Demo of the spectral re-synthesis. sounds great
Does not work in Blue Cat’s Patchwork and PluginGuru’s Unify!!
Not possisble to modulate the FX parameters… Forgotten to implement guys?
FM Lab is quite impressing though!
I have paid for an upgrade to Halion 7 from Halion 6, but it appears that as i upgraded to Absolute 3, my Halion 6 does ot qualify for the upgrade i have paid for.
Do i have any options to upgrade from Absolute 3 or how do i get my money back?
I have contacted support via email, but had no response!!!
visit and click on Online Shop Support.
The very worst thing about this upgrade is that is does not replace or supplement H6. It removes it from all projects, including everything you had set. It’s as if you never had H6 in a project. In particular with other DAWS. What the F$&^&#. If I re-install H6 will my projects come back?
Halion 7 completely replaces Halion 6 in your projects, but please note that the VST 2 version of the plug-in is no longer included. Were you using the VST 2 version of Halion 6?
Hi @dathho !
Unless you saved and overwrote your project, uninstalling HALion 7 and reinstalling HALion 6, should bring you back into business. You might also need to downgrade your content. You can use the Steinberg Library Manager to uninstall content conveniently.
This is a good reminder to state the following: In any case, before evaluating new software, with an existing project, make backups.
I hope that is common sense , as this does not only count for HALion. New software is often not backwards compatible.
But what you describe should not happen. HALion 7 should replace HALion 6 in place, with all the settings.
So please check these two things:
Did you activate your trial license?
What @Romantique_Tp said is also important, there is no more vst2 version of the plugin. We discontinued that a while a ago, since VST2 is long deprecated. If you used vst2, you are stuck with HALion 6 until you finish those projects or bounce out your tracks as audio.
My primary recording DAW is MixBus32c. Your’re correct. They were old projects from before VST3 support.
Here is a HALion 7 tutorial on how to edit multiple spectral zones at once in Tree View, using a patch from my library Aureus Ventus.
Dear all, please direct me to the replies that already have the answer, if not could someone help me with this issue: I bought cubase 12 pro and Halion 6 came with it, i saw Hallion 7 on the download tab and installed it before purchasing it and it replaced my Halion 6. Now i have purchased the Upgrade from Halion 6 option for 99$ and once it came to activation: it shows nothing to upgrade from. How do i go about resolving this? I’m sure either i have to pay in full again for Halion 7 ( so how can i get the refund for the “wrong upgrade”); or is there someone that have solved this and could recommend your solution. Many thanks to all the gentlemen and ladies for your help!
Unfortunately, any HALion that comes with Cubase 12 (was HALion Sonic SE, now it’s HALion Sonic 7 - the latter also free for everyone) is not upgradable. You must pay at full price HALion 7 or HALion Sonic 7 Collection. Please try asking for a refund.
Are you sure you got HALion 6 with it? Because HALion Sonic SE 3 came with Cubase 12 Pro originally… If you had HALion 6 that paid update should work.
If not, You’re best to ask for refund i’m afraid and then download “HALion Sonic 7”. The naming used by Steinberg is quite confusing if you’re not familiar with the product line.
The recent updates saw versions move like this:
HALion Sonic SE 3 → HALion Sonic 7. (Inc with Cubase)
HALion Sonic 3 → HALion Sonic 7 Collection. (Like SE plus additional content)
HALion 6 → HALion 7. (Full sound design editing and preset designing/sharing)
So now everything is on Ver 7 which aligns a little easier, but I still think it’s confusing for anyone new coming into the eco system.
Thanks for the reply! I checked the invoice, i paid 499$ for Absolute 5 package and Halion 6 was in that. Yike now if i have to get a refund, do i send them an email? Do you have the direct contact for this? Much appreciated sir!
Ah I see, it was the Absolute 6 update that you needed then… Same price as the H7 update cost, too.
Did you activate Absolute 5 after 31st Oct 2022? If so you’ll get Absolute 6 as a free update as part of the grace period that Steinberg offers, and there will be a voucher in your mysteinberg account for that already:
However, in regards to your refund - This is the contact page:
Look at the “Order and Online Shop support” section, and click the option whether you done ‘paypal’ or ‘other payment’ method and it gives you details.
HALion Sonic 7 is a free upgrade from the HALion Sonic SE 3 - the player, not the content. It still runs all the other content you already own (from Cubase or previous Absolute revisions).
As for Grace Period, you have to say when you purchased Absolute 5, as that dictates whether or not you are eligible.
Also log into your MySteinberg account and look under “Vouchers.” If you are eligible, it will be listed there.