I’m finding it impossible to get multiple envelopes to sync together in Halion 7. Here’s what I’m doing:
Using the new Shaper Envelopes, I use the user envelope of a zone and sync it to half a bar with a simple half-note slope upward.
Then I add a mono envelope to the layer and sync it to a full measure with another slope upward.
If I hold a note, these envelopes drift out of sync pretty quickly. “Beat + Retrigger” works better than “Tempo + Retrigger” but still drifts. I also tried using an LFO set to the same length as the zone envelope and that goes out of a sync as well.
The only thing that works is to put the Mono Envelope in “loop” mode instead of “shaper” and define the loop to be the proper length.
Looking through the version history, there were some sync issues resolved back in Halion 6, so perhaps there’s been a regression?
Hello mesayre,
I found something but I’m not quite sure if this is the same issue you described here. Can you perhaps provide a HALion 7 preset and/or a project file with your favourite host, that shows the behaviour you experienced?
Thanks a lot for your help and best regards
Gerrit Junge
Hi Gerrit,
Thank you for the reponse. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I was in the middle of a project.
I have attached a very simple Halion preset that demonstrates the problem I’m seeing. I made it in Halion 7.0.20 standalone on Windows 10. It uses the zone user envelope set to shaper mode at 1 bar long to modulate the synth waveform, and a mono envelope set to shaper at 1/2 bar to modulate the filter cutoff. On my system, they go out of sync pretty immediately. The mono envelope is going faster than the click.
I use Digital Performer 11.3 as my daw, and see the same issue when Halion is instantiated as a VST3 plugin.
In addition to the preset, I’ve also attached two audio files that demonstrate something weird: bouncing to disk temporarily corrects the problem. If I have a single sustained MIDI note using the preset above, it will show that drift issue until I do a faster-than-realtime bounce. Then the problem goes away until I close the project. When I come back to the project, the problem has returned. If I do a real-time bounce, the problem does not get fixed. Please see the attachments below.
Hi mesayre,
thanks to your preset I’m able to reproduce it here. Its indeed the same problem we know already and it’s listed as Bug-ID "HALLY-10488”.
It will be fixed with the next maintenance version of HALion/HALion Sonic 7.
Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge
Hi again—sorry to be impatient on this, but it renders envelope sync unusable when it happens. Is there a specific sequence of events or combination of features I should avoid until the fix comes out? Is there an ETA on that release?
Good morning,
I was happy to see the new release today and the new features. Unfortunately it looks like this bug didn’t make it into 7.1. Still seeing this issue and it’s not mentioned in the release notes. Is that correct?
Hi mesayre,
this seems to be another problem not covered by the previous fix.
Its now in our Defect-Tracking-System and listed as Bug-ID “HALLY-10829”.
I hope we can provide a fix for it soon.
Thanks for your report and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Gerrit Junge