Ever since downloading 5.1.8 my sounds are not playing. Have tried re-installing all the sounds and all of them return an error message similar to the attached. So I don’t have sound and there’s no way to get the sounds.
Try to install the latest download assistant from here:
Carole, you probably don’t need to reinstall any of the sound content. The first thing I would suggest is to go to Edit > Device Setup and check which device is chosen there. Make sure Steinberg Built-in ASIO Driver is chosen in the first instance, though do try the other settings listed there if there are any.
If you can’t get sound going again, please do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach the resulting zip file here.
I was eventually able to re-install the sounds, but that did not help. Shutting down and re-starting my computer didn’t help. Restoring the Play Preferences to factory defaults didn’t help. I’m getting no sound at all from Dorico. When I try to assign an instrument in Play Mode the dialog box does not come up. Attached is what I see: note the “!!Halion!!”
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (757.6 KB)
aint_misbehavin_ssaa.dorico (1.5 MB)
I don’t understand, because I’ve changed nothing. All I’ve done is install the latest version of Dorico.
Attached is a Diagnostic Report, along with one of my Dorico projects.
Thanks for taking a look at this!
Carole Prietto
So far as I can see from your diagnostics, everything looks more or less OK. It looks like you have the Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver chosen in Edit > Device Setup. I would suggest you instead try Steinberg Built-in ASIO Driver.
However, it does seem that HALion Sonic wasn’t able to load for some reason when it was scanned by your computer after the update, and it’s ended up blocked. Let’s see whether triggering another scan will help: on the VST Plug-ins page of Preferences, click Reset Audio Engine Data, then quit and restart Dorico. Hopefully, HALion Sonic will be correctly scanned this time, and everything will be OK.
Have made the change re: the ASIO driver.
Did the Audio Engine Reset then opened the project I sent you. No sound. But I was able to open the instrument selection dialog and saw that there were no instruments. Selected some, and the project played. Then tried with another project. No sound, even though there were instruments assigned. Have just restarted Dorico again and got the “Audio Engine died” message. Restarted again and Dorico booted with no issues. Again tried a different project from the one I sent and now it’s playing fine. So I think the audio engine reset, plus some reboots, did the trick. Will remember that for the future.
If you have an existing project that stubbornly refuses to produce sound, try re-applying the playback template via Play > Playback Template.