Halion Sonic 7 content unaccessible after upgrade to Dorico Pro 5

After upgrading to Dorico 5 I can not access the standard halion sounds any more. The all show up with a red icon.
Strange thing is that sounds are still working when opening older projects that are using these sounds (e.g. GM sounds).
Any ideas how to bring all the sounds back? They still show up in the browser, just with a red icon (indicating a missing library I guess) and cannot be selected.

Can you try following the instructions here? https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/15048308031506-Dorico-3-5-or-later-HALion-Sonic-instruments-remain-silent

Thanks! I tried and the installer finished just fine, but I have no idea how to run the installed program? Or is it just the installer that needs to be run?
If yes unfortunately the problem with the persists.
I do have Cubase 12 and Dorico 5 Pro installed on my mac. Anything else I could try?

Could you do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach the resulting zip file here?

Sure thing, file attached. Probably worth to mention that due to the Cubase 12 and Dorico 5 install both Halion Sonic 7.1 and SE seem to be installed.
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (1014.7 KB)

Dorico isn’t complaining about any missing content, which means that all of the presets are correctly found, but it looks like the samples cannot be found. I believe the presets and the samples are normally located in different folders inside /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content/, so please check each of the folders in there and make sure their permissions are set appropriately such that they (and all their contents) are readable by all users on your computer.