This is something that happened several times already: I work in a project, it goes well, including Playback for “proofreading” (followed by disactivating), then I make some “cosmetic” improvements, then, sometimes after closing and reopening it, sometimes immediately I reactivate it, and Playback is “dead”. It is not an environment problem, because Playback works for other projects, or even for some new projects. The first inkling that something is wrong can just be seen in switching to Play mode. Initially it looks like this:
The top reader is still assigned Channel1. Then after reactivation it looks like that:
The channel has been changed, and I have learned that it can be the forerunner of a real problem. And then when I hit the “e” button, edit this instrument, nothing happens, HALion Sonic 7 dialog does not open, no error message (and nothing in the application logs). This time I turned to the VSTAudioEngine logs. When everything goes well, after activating, I can see:
2024-09-29 19:57:55 : loadInstrument (id 98)…
2024-09-29 19:57:55 : => DoricoBeep loaded
and fairly soon
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : loadInstrument (id 136)…
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: Initialising client HALion Sonic7.1.0Â with senderID HALion Sonic7.1.028D9B6C934AC436A80CE30C397B80196 allows multiple: true
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: License Engine is running
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: Sending ping to License Engine
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: ping response received in HALion Sonic7.1.028D9B6C934AC436A80CE30C397B80196: from silk service
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: Connecting client HALion Sonic7.1.0Â with senderID HALion Sonic7.1.028D9B6C934AC436A80CE30C397B80196
2024-09-29 19:57:56 : License Info: Got client connect response
2024-09-29 19:57:57 : License Info: Start license consume requestID 2 for 32 app features (immediateReturn = true):
But when it goes wrong, I see nothing about HALion, but
: 2024-09-29 20:32:49 : License Info: ping response received in Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.41ED51346CF6A4423089136690B8210EE0: from silk service
2024-09-29 20:32:50 : License Info: ping response received in Dorico 5 AudioEngineVersion 5.6.41C3E4513C2AF8470FBC5FDC8A3D7FC433: from silk service
Something in this project “turned off” Halyon, but the only things I am aware of having done since the last time the project was fine are cosmetic: engraving changes, some options changes but not in the Playback options.
Can you deduce something from those snippets of VSTAudioEngine logs? If necessary I can send you the project, but it is a big one.