HalionSonic SE in Cubase 6

Is HalionSonic SE a stripped down version of HalionSonic bundled within Cubase 6 or is it the full version? I’m interested in knowing what functionality is lost/gained from the bundled vs seperate HalionSonic. If anybody can drop a few tidbits on that, it would be greatly appreciated. Might be in the wrong section, I asked in the Cubase 6 forum since I’ll be upgrading when it’s available.

Let’s hope it’s more CPU friendly as the full version is a total CPU hog!


@aljames, did you installed the latest update for HalionSonic, together with the 1.5 GB new content?

@ topic starter, please have a look at the older posts. This has already been answered



Yea Chris. Both installed to latest version and content update and look at my PC specs. It’s still a total CPU hog


Thanks Chris,

I did a search, but I didn’t find anything that clarified what I was asking. You mind linking me to the answer or just copying and pasting it here?

Basically I’m asking is when I upgrade to C6 do I need to buy the full version of HalionSonic or is HalionSonic SE the same things with Cubase integrated functionality?

Also, what does the SE stand for? I was guessing Steinberg Edition, which implied to me that it was some advanced integration. Could be wrong… I’m excited about C6 tho.

Thanks and cheers