Hand claps during playback

Hi Folks

I know this has been talked about before, but I am having trouble following what I have been reading, so I am hopeful someone here can simplify it for me.

In the clarinet ensemble piece, I have notated where I want claps by cross head note heads.

I now want to assign hand claps to those notes so I can create a play along mp3.

As I said, I have had difficulty following how other people have done this when I search.



I should be more specific:

From what I understand, I could create a separate “player”, assign hand claps as the instrument , write in only the hand claps in that players part at the correct time, and then drag that instrument into the clarinet player doing the claps.

I would have to do that for each player doing claps that way.

Is there a way to add hand claps to a player in setup mode, and then have Dorico change to the second instrument when the player reaches the cross head notes? That is the process I can’t seem to understand…

I put x-noteheads on suppressed notes in the Clar part and then use a hidden percussion staff to create the handclap sounds.

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I was hoping for an easier way, but here is how I did it (per manual)

  1. created new payer with hand claps .
  2. copied clarinet part (which had the hand claps notated as crosses) into the hand clap part.
  3. Removed all notes except crossed note heads from hand claps
  4. Dragged hand clap payer into clarinet player
  5. Cleaned up merged clarinet part by deleting the crossed notes from the clarinet part which allowed the hand claps to merge.

I was hoping for a different way, but it only took a couple of minutes.

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This may be a very stupid question from a string player, but I’m just curious how this works: doesn’t a (bass) clarinet player need both hands to hold the clarinet? Putting the instrument on or taking it from a stand takes a few moments. I know a bass clarinet is mostly played standing on a pin, but can a player balance it with their mouth alone? Or are these hand claps somehow with one hand only, or on some percussion instrument?

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easy to balance between the legs…actually, they are foot stomps, but I couldn’t find the sound so for practice claps work. Soprano clarinet payers would lay the instrument in their lap or such.

Thanks for clarifying.
One unrelated, tiny notational thing I just noticed: in the hand clap passages, where the rhythm contains dotted quavers/8ths, the partial beam on the subsequent 16ths point the wrong way, as if the time sig were 6/16. I’m not at my computer right now to try it myself, but I wonder if that’s intentional or a Dorico quirk.

wasn’t intentional. The direction of the beam might have been set in the digitization program (SmartScore 64)