Handle characters/roles in a vocal piece better (feature request)

It’s hard to work out why things don’t condense. It’s sometimes because things look like they are the same and ought to condense but they have a very subtle difference.

Also, the Dorico team are aware that condensing doesn’t always work properly on vocal music. I’ve had a few problems myself, not often, but a few and that might be a factor. I was usually able to work round them quite well.

Try this. Not perfect but workable?
voices demo-edit.dorico (531.0 KB)

Putting this screen shot for future reference:

Looks much better!

  • Still weird how it’s not putting all three voices with the same stem at the end despite them having the same rhythm.
  • The lyrics placement is really annoying. The BUZZ part should have the lyrics at the bottom, and the parts when they sing together should have one lyrics, because they sing the same line.
  • What does “BUZZ MICAHEL a 2” means? How do I understand that all of them are singing?

I don’t think I’m going to use it for this usecase, but I’m curious - what options did you change? I wasn’t able to get here.

You can compare the two files using Library>Library Manager

Nice! That’s what I had missing:

It kind of works for two voices:

(Though annoying, the lyrics…)

For some reason it’s not condensing the third voice for me:

But I don’t think that’s as much a big deal as how it handles the lyrics…

Is it possible to flip the first 2 bars of lyrics underneath in Engrave?

The doubled lyrics are even less standard.

You can drag them freely, but that’s not ideal for obvious reasons.

To make matters worse, you 'll also have to adjust quite a bite of other elements:

At this point I’d rather manually write character changes

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