Harmonic Selection Artefacts When Paste To Another Layer?

So, I’m using harmonic selection quite a bit to untangle some multiple speakers talking. Typically I do 5-10 selections in the same area and then shift-X to layer below. There are essentially what looks like transient artefacts and they are audible. Yes, I can clean them up afterwards…yet should they be transferred back to the source layer or erase them?

Here is a screen shot:

the blue is the source layer which is the speech layer from unmix noisy speech. Yellow is a female voice, red is a male voice. The transients can be seen as full spectrum lines, particularly obvious in the high end…my display min amplitude is very low at -127dB, so, yeah…luminance is very high.

many thanks :slight_smile:

Above are some pasted harmonic selections;
_Purple is the pasted audio; yellow is an artefact on its own layer…I haven’t yet removed from the other pastes…nor have I removed the full spectrum at this point. I’m just showing with the yellow, that the high freq artefact was not part of the harmonic selection; the purple shows my selection. I’m guessing this is fixed in tomorrow’s patch :slight_smile:

With this image:
we have the pasted selection and its sources;
Magenta is the Unmixed Speech, and
the Cyan is the unmixed noise from a Lavalier recording.
We can see the amplitude is higher than Unmixed noise of the same area, and the same for the Unmixed Voice, where previously the unmixed voice noise floor would have been very, very low

Further, these artefacts are not showing in the waveform display, as far a I can tell.

I’m going to pose a guess that those artefacts are built up from multiple select>paste operations?

The artefacts do run the full spectrum as far as I can tell.

These selections are between 30-55 count.

Instead of erasing them, I’ve been transferring to a specific layer (kind of a trash bin layer :slight_smile:

the same selection with 0 angle on the spectrograph
here we can see the full spectrum transient line across all freqs

OK, I don’t find any difference to these artefacts in 11.0.20 update; they still occur

And I’m pretty new here, so, it’s clear to me I’m still discovering my workflow.

I’m stuck on an area where my main contributor is speaking to a group of hikers about meeting up and I am able to (somewhat) isolate various members and remix the conversation being captured in one mic.

The tool I have not been using is the SELECTION BRUSH as I’ve been leaning on the “automated” nature of the HARMONIC SELECTION tool. Then performing multiple copy>pastes.

Well, I’m finding a much better result buy first using the Harmonic selection tool once to cut/copy special to layer below which gives a good road map to then fill in the interweaved harmonics with the selection brush. These full spectrum artefacts are still pasting with the harmonic selection tool, but since I now grasp what to do with these artefacts (erase/ destructive), my results are much better.

OK, actually today I have modified my process a little which is equalling better speed when selecting.

What I find is this full spectrum artefact occurs at the end of each harmonic selection paste.

So, if first select all the “easily selectable” section of a phrase by using shift to add to current selection; then, continue using the harmonic selection tool, again continuing to press down shift key and connect the gaps in the selection by getting the selection to to bridge the short pauses. If the selection addition of the gap doesn’t work; try another Master Rank> continue until all gaps selected to have one continuous selection before paste.

Then, the only artefact needed to remove is the right-most end.

There are other reasons to select this way (ie continuous noisefloor)…but is much MUCH faster than fixing the gaps with selection brush :slight_smile: