Harmonics seem to be playing back incorrectly when using CineStrings (Musio) and Noteperformer - the contrabass don’t play at all, the upper strings seem to be an octave too high…
When I use BBCSO the harmonics work well - but for this piece the CineStrings are generally better (less reverb, smaller sections).
Has anyone had success using harmonics with CineStrings and NP?
Harmonics have many variables so I usually find playback to be a little hit or miss. Are you using natural or artificial harmonics? Generally speaking I find natural works most of the time for NP & NPPE playback, where the note is consistent with what I am expecting, even if a real player might use an artificial for that note. I can’t speak for Musio directly though, but this has been my experience with BBC & Synchron NPPEs etc.
You can make a copy of the NotePerformer expression map in Library > Expression Maps and make changes in there as needed, then assign your modified expression map to the specific instrument in the Routing section of the Track Inspector in Play mode.