Harmonies don't change, but linger

I’ve been experimenting for a while adding some harmonies, but think I may be doing something wrong!

With a basic vocal track and chord track I create a harmony, but if a note from the vocal track is sustained over a change of chords, the harmony track stays the same rather than re-harmonising to the new chord.

I’ve experimented with cutting/slicing the vocal track at the change of chords, but the results are the same. I’m guessing it picks up on the breaks in the words to initiate each harmony.

So - is a limitation of the feature, or am I doing something wrong?

I have a DigtechVocalist Live 2 which uses a guitar input to establish the chord and harmonize to, but that will change the harmony as soon as the chord changes. I thought C7 would work the same way, but so far I haven’t been able to do it, except for having to edit to harmony tracks afterwards to iron out the bad harmonies.

Any ideas?

Harmony changes of audio signal depends on segments in the VariAudio. So, if you want to change the harmony, you have to split the long note to different segments manualy.

  1. Open the Sample Editor.
  2. Open VariAudio palete.
  3. Click to the Segments arrow.
  4. If you put the mouse on the bottom part of “note” (segment), scisors tool displays.
  5. Click to the place, where you want to split segments, ie. create harmony changes. I’m spliting the sounding note in every place, where is harmony marker.

I hope, this will work to you. See attached screenshot. The black one is the original track, I splited manualy. Other colors are harmony voices.


If I understand correctly then (please let me know if I’ve missed the point!):

  • Cubase7 wont automatically re-pitch a harmony to a sustained melody, even if Chord Track changes chords
  • You can only edit it after creating the harmony by splitting the track and manually moving it

With my Vocal Live 2 thingo you can sustain a note, keep changing chords - and the harmonies will keep adjusting. But, I guess one is processing a live signal and continually adjusting, C7 creates a harmony by analyzing a waveform.

Thanks again for the help!

Sorry for my English!

It’s not as pretty as you type.

  • Cubase 7 won’t automatically re-pitch a harmony to a sustained melody, even if Chord Track changes chords.

  • You can only edit it after creating the harmony by splitting the track and manually moving it.
    NO. Open Sample Editor of the original track first. Create manual segments at the same spots (bars/beats), you have chord changes. Thenm you can use Harmony voices function. This will create harmony changes to a sustained notes, and the harmony will correspondes with the Chord track settings.

Is it more clear, now? I made a video, which should describes it.