Regarding tokens, I’ve been experiencing something strange. I created a master template for my parts that includes this token string as a header: {@playernames@} - Suite: {@flowtitle@} {@page@}/{@pagecount@}
It works fine, except for on the first page of a flow. There, the {@flowtitle@}sometimes works, but often doesn’t. The strangest part is that it’s not consistent. I tried clearing overrides on the “broken” pages, but that didn’t fix the problem. I guess it’s not a big deal (because the flow title does show up at the start of the flow inside of the music frame), but it does seem that something has gone wrong.
If the First page template is set to show the flow title big in the middle (ie where the project title is on this example), and you’re also showing flow headings, then this layout option for flow titles above flow headings is likely taking effect: