Hello ! how can I do this "chord"-grace note ? see image

did you have this little end of stem here ? I don’t see it in you example…

the replacement is in steps and it’s either here, or too much into the head.
I don’t know if it is possible to change this end of the stem vertically… the other flag-end yes, but here ?
ah you kept the head perhaps ?..

Yes I kept the head hidden behind the bigger one.


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OT: is that second-space note (for some reason I assumed it to be C in bass clef) marked with a flat or natural in the manuscript?

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this is a viola. so f#, bb and d.
I put these three notes in a grace note chord and the hid the accidental.
I also needed to offset the full note sharp otherwise the small b went into it…

but you don’t have the little stem end… !

You can move it in engrave mode


mm… the 'hide notehead" solution must go.
half of the notes in my scores have no notehead.
and - this is an error for me - if you hide the head, you also hide a dot (!!).
this is not how it should be… a filled notehead is not containing all the information on duration. you need a stem and a flag - and a possible dot - to determine the duration.
actually the head gives the least information on duration.
take a dotted 8th note as example :
if you hide the flag you loose the information and you don’t know which duration anymore.
if you hide the dot you loose information and you dkn’t know the duration anymore.
but - if you hide the head, well you still have the flag, and the dot, and it is still clearly a dottet 8th note.
for me this is a conceptional error.

hur då ? kommand ?

Alt + pilar eller cmd+alt+shift + pilar för små steg eller alt+shift + pilar för stora steg.


ah, jag visste inte om de där cmd-alt-shift för ännu mindre steg…
perfa. tack :slight_smile: