Help! Beaming across barline problem

I have recreated an old document but have run into a problem with note groupings and bizarre beaming across the barline. I have attached the document and the offending part is the second half of bar 2 going into bar 3. I have attached a PDF of the original document too, which is what I am attempting to recreate with those specific note groupings. Any ideas? I’m baffled
[In The Summertime - TAB.dorico|attachment](uploa
Original.pdf (254.2 KB)
d://jHORajyBSB5VWzJl4NfcDH8fvR1.dorico) (839.3 KB)

First try selecting either just the incorrect beaming or just the whole flow, and resetting beaming.

(Your Dorico project didn’t attach due to the PDF ending up in the middle of it!)

Whoops… Thanks Lillie. That solved it! Nick