I’m working on macros today, but I’ve come across one that I can’t figure out. Maybe you guys know the solution to this.
I select a track then:
- Render (current settings)
- Select original track
- Disable track then Hide it
Seems easy, but I can’t figure out how to get it to re-select the now-muted previous track that I just rendered. It only selects the new, rendered, version.
Any ideas?
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You could add a specific “flag” to the original track. For example, you can add a specific symbol to the track name, which you don’t use ever. For example @.
So the first two steps of the Macro would be:
- Add @ to the name of the Selected Track.
- Render In Place
- …
Then you can search for a track with this specific symbol in the name. Remove the specific symbol and do the action, you want to trigger.
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Thanks, Martin, I’ll try that.
Okay, so I’ve been experimenting with this to no avail. I think I don’t fully understand the part about the search.
Could you please show the order of all the key commands used in this macro?
So, this is the renaming. You use PLE for that. In this example we prepend the track name with “@R@”.
This is the PLE to remove the @R@ from the just newly and now selected track:
This is the PLE to now select the initial track again, strip off the @R@, disable it, and hide it:
Arrange these PLE presets in a macro.
1- render
2- select all on track
3- up
4- disable track
5- hide selected track
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Thanks, guys. I’ll experiment with all of that.