[Help] HALion Electric Bass Dropping Notes

I’m using the full version of Halion 7 in Cubase 13 Pro, and the Electric Bass VST is dropping notes, especially on the exported mixdown.

At first, it seemed the programming of switching between sustain and slap was causing the issue, so I gave plenty of space between each note and it half fixed the issue in the DAW. But while listening to the exported file, there were still many dropped notes.

Does anyone have experience with this?

My machine isn’t too bad, Intel i7-11700F with 32 GB of RAM at 3200 MHz. And the project itself doesn’t have too much going on. I’ve done bigger projects without any issues.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Try to change the Buffer Size, please. Sometimes decreasing the bufer size helps in these cases.

I’ll give that a try this evening. Thanks for the reply.