Help Is Needed - Unresolved bug/cant open projects N13

Hello everyone,
first: OSX Sonoma, Nuendo 13&12.

Yesterday, I encountered an issue with Nuendo and Cubase that I’ve never experienced before, and I couldn’t resolve it through the usual methods.

It all started when I applied an offline process to an audio event using a plugin called “Place it” by Soundly. Nuendo suddenly crashed without any warning—just a “Poof Crash.”

I tried reopening the project, but the loading process got stuck on a specific channel: Channel: BG1.

My immediate suspicion was related to the “Place it” plugin, so I isolated it and attempted to reload the project, but it didn’t help—the loading process still got stuck. I then tried launching the software without any third-party plugins, and the project opened immediately.

I went back to the process of eliminating plugins, and that’s when things got messy: I started removing “suspicious” plugins, and at some point (when I removed a whole group of plugins), the project opened. I tried isolating the problematic plugin, but when I restored some of the plugins, the software again failed to load the project, only this time it got stuck on different channels. Each time, the loading process got stuck on a different channel, depending on various plugins that I either isolated or restored in the VST library.

I tried a different approach: deleting and rebuilding the User Prefs. Initially, this worked—the project suddenly loaded (of course, without my personal settings and preferences). However, the moment I imported my keyboard shortcuts, the issue reappeared, and the loading process got stuck again. I tried loading without the shortcuts, and the project opened again.

This morning, I decided to load the project with a fresh User Pref. I only saved my shortcuts, deleted the User Prefs, but this time it didn’t work (despite working yesterday!). I’m back to square one.

I returned to dealing with the plugins: I loaded the project again with third-party plugins disabled, and the project loaded without any issue. However, there’s no point in isolating plugins again, as I already did that yesterday. Additionally, the loading process “stuck” due to different plugins each time, and if I remove them from the software, the project fails to load for another reason or on a different channel.

Additional things I tried:

  1. Backing up the entire project to a separate folder and opening the backup—didn’t help.
  2. Opening the project file without media—didn’t help.
  3. Opening in Nuendo 12 instead of Nuendo 13—didn’t help.
  4. Updating plugins that are involved in the project—didn’t help.

I urgently need help; I’m losing my mind over this, and I have work to do, a client, a deadline.

Unrelated to the issue, I don’t understand why Steinberg doesn’t provide support for customers in certain countries. We purchase the software, invest so much money over the years, and every once in a while, we genuinely need help—someone to assist us directly, just like everywhere else. Why aren’t we entitled to this basic service? Referring us to the local distributor is a bad joke. Can someone from Steinberg provide an explanation?

Can someone from Steinberg assist me with this?

But surely, in this case you have successfully found the source of the issue? What are the plugins concerned?

If you have plugins which seem to be causing issues with opening the project then wouldn’t it be best to simply not use these plugins? Or let me put this another way, did you consider deleting the plugins concerned and saving the project under a new name - then in this new project using alternative plugins which do not cause issues?

Unfortunately, in these kinds of cases the only way to find out the cause of the issue is to remove plugins, one by one, and retest opening the project until you find the plugin which is causing the issue. If the project file itself has become corrupt then that is a different story.

What do you mean by ‘isolate’? Do you mean that you deleted it?

By the way, strictly speaking if there is an issue with a plugin then this would normally need to be addressed by the plugin developer.

dude, have you read i wrote i spent hours by isolatong the plugins? removing all day long?

No you didn’t state that as far as I can see. But, in all honesty, what does that have to do with finding a solution to your issue?

In the light of your response I feel compelled to ask you a similar question. Did you read my various responses to what you wrote in your first post?

What are the plugins concerned? In the case of the Place It plugin… what do you mean by ‘isolate’? And I’ll ask another question - what did you actually do in the offline process that caused the crash? In addition, was there any crash log created when you experienced the crash?

While I understand your frustration with your issue, please also understand that reaching out as I have done in an attempt to help you troubleshoot the issue could have been met with a bit more humility on your part. If you’d care to take the time to respond and contribute in a non-combative manner you might be surprised to find that some users here may actually be able to help you.

Just my two cents.

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Im thnkfull for you trying to help, really.
Look. Im on schdule and steinberg doesnt offer any direct help in some countries.
I wrote the most thorough and specific post i could in short time, I was very specific about the process of “isolating” plugs with no results, therefor i cant “simply unuse” anything. I dont even know what is the real problem.

I apprieate that you took the time to write and answer but again, you’re asking if I checked a if i have an air leak in my wheels after replacing the wheels 4 times.


TBH IMO one of the best places to find direct help is this very forum. There are a lot of very knowledgeable experts here.

No you were not specific. So I’ll ask again… what do you mean by ‘isolate’? Do you mean you deleted the plugin from the project or do you mean you switched it off? Please be VERY specific.

That’s right. You may have neglected the fact that the wheels were not strictly compatible with the particular model of vehicle, or there may have been a faulty technique used each time you replaced the wheels, or there may be a manufacturing fault with the particular model of wheel you had chosen.

That’s the whole point of troubleshooting in order to find what made things go wrong even if the questions being asked don’t seem to have a direct relevance to the user case. Yes, it can be frustrating and yes it may seem to serve no purpose and yes it can be time consuming… but if you don’t analyse the process you’re just going to be stuck at the bad result - like right now you are not able to ‘drive your vehicle’ in the case of this particular project.

My feeling is that it could be a plugin. One way of further testing this is to provide the names of all the 3rd party developer plugins used in the project. You might find that other users here have had problems with certain plugins among them. So another question - what plugins are in use within the problem project?

Another suggestion: can you share the problem project (or a shortened version of it which still displays the issue) so that others here can test it?

“Isolate”: Open a new folder, take all the VST/VST3s and paste to this folder. put back one by one.

Im might on to something. a HOFA plugin might be the problem, a plug that i use for years now and never gave me any problem, even in this project.

got nothing to do with the DOP that started the whole mess.

So weird.

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P.S. Another pragmatic interim solution: in the interim, could you possibly achieve the same sonic result using only the Steinberg supplied plugins or other reliable plugins (which do not cause the issue) in order to be able to complete the project?

(This might provide an acceptable interim solution until you track down why this is happening).

Glad to hear you may have found something! Does it by any chance concern this plugin? n13-crash-when-newest-hofa-iq-eq

Just had another poof crash…no with Nuendo 12. again with DOP, now after using Acon Dereverb.

Nuendo 12-2024-08-21-173337.ips (487.9 KB)

Sometimes it could be a combination of plugins. Not just one alone.
I know that doesn’t help that much.