Help needed to create json files [SOLVED]

Thanks a lot Paul for your contribution.
Something is working now and at least the script creates now a json file.
I only had to create indeed the folder “json”!
In the script the code line 52 says:
outDir = ‘json/’;

I had no folder with this name.
I created this “json” folder within the folder where the script and the sfd are and now it works :slight_smile:
Now I get a json file in this folder.
I edit my previous post accordingly.

But unfortunately now Dorico does not accept this file and I get the following error from Dorico:
Error opening file: invalid file format
C:/Program Files/Common Files/SMuFL/Fonts/myfont/myfont.json

One problem is solved and the next one is already here :slight_smile:

It works now :slight_smile:
I had a look at the created json file and for some reason the mandatory three lines that I mentioned in post 5 of this thread were not written correctly!
After correcting these three lines everything is working as it should.
I will then add this to the step by step explanation.