Help Notate

Help notate this

Is it the same ? I feel like it’s not

Welcome to the forum, @mohamedsayedraouf

  • Enter the sextuplet normally
  • Select the fourth 16th note, right click on it, and choose Beaming > Split Secondary Beam
  • Switch to a new downstem voice 1 and enter the bottom notes as a sextuplet; there will be additional 16th rests visible
  • Select the third 16th rest (the one you want to show), and tick “Force position and duration” in the Properties panel
  • Select the first F and tick “Ends voice” in the Properties panel
  • Using the Properties panel, hide the number and bracket on the bottom sextuplet

You entered the lower voice as regular notes, not as a tuplet.

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Thanks a lot, it worked, but is there is a way to hide the tuplet mark in the second voice and second rest ?

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Yes. Select the downstem tuplet (click on the six or the bracket to select only the tuplet, or use Filter>tuplets to narrow it down) and check its properties : you can change the bracket and the number so that they don’t appear :wink:

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Yes – look at the last 3 items in my reply above.


I did hide the rests with (Edit Menu>Remove rests)

Thank you for your help :heart: