Help understanding how page templates work


Ich verstehe nicht wie das mit den Seitenvorlagen funktioniert.
Ich kann da erste und standard anwählen, aber es ändert nichts.
Wie ist da die Logik?
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe.


I don’t understand how page templates work.
I can select first and standard, but it doesn’t change anything.
What’s the logic there?
Thank you for your help.

Because your question is very general, I would suggest following Dorico video in German to you:

If you have problems applying things after watching the video feel free to ask.


The first page of a Project will automatically use the First template. Each subsequent page will use the default template.

There is a Layout Option to use the First template for Flows that start on a new page.

If you want to change what template a page uses, in Engrave mode, right-click the page and choose Insert Page Template Change.

If you have already made changes to the pages themselves, they will show a red triangle indicating a “page template override”. Once these pages are marked as having manual overrides, they will not get updates from changes done to page templates.
You will need to remove these page template overrides first. Right-click on the pages in the right top section (Engrave mode) and select “Remove page template overrides”.

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