Help with DIVISI and Condensing

Hello. Hope someone can help me.
I am creating a short orchestral string piece for homework.

  1. Divisi. I used Divisi for Violin 1 and 2. Divisi and Uni are clearly labeled on the score in Write mode. But, when I go to PRINT mode- DIVISI text does not appear. On Score layouts section- DIVISI labels is clicked.

  2. Condensing. Condensing seems to work with horns. But with strings- it does not work at all. I enabled condensing in score layouts, clicked condense DIVISI, nothing happens.

I am not sure what is going wrong.

Hi @Darren_Kagal, for condensing questions is always better to post a Dorico project that shows your issue.

pathetiquepart2.dorico (848.7 KB)

Thanks Christian for your help.

As you can see- I created Divisi for violin 1 and 2. But, when I try to condense them, it does not work.

Also- on the print section, you can see Unison clearly labelled. But, Divisi is not labelled (when it is clearly marked in Write mode).

Hi @Darren_Kagal, all is working as expected here (be sure to change the Layout options on the right layout):

Thanks Christian for getting back to me so soon. Not sure what happened? I tried again and now it works. It was not working for two days. Maybe I have some sort of a bug in my system.
All the best.