Help with percussion sounds

seize_the_day.dorico (1.9 MB)
Help needed, please. I have an arrangement for 4 vocal parts and 6 percussion parts. Created many years ago in Finale; exported to XML then imported to Dorico. Layout was messy to say the least so started a brand new Dorico project. Added 6 percussion players to my barbershop template and copied and pasted everything from old to new. Vocal part, no problems.

Some percussion sounds are not playing and I couldn’t find a sound for one of them - guiro. Does that sound come with Dorico? I’ve tried re-loading the instruments and that doesn’t work. Don’t know what to do from here.
Project is attached.
Thank you!
Carole Prietto

Carole, if you apply the HSO, HALion Sonic Sel., Olympus playback template via the Play > Playback Template dialog, you should find that Dorico automatically loads appropriate sounds for all of the instruments, including guiro. Guiro is found on pitch 73 in the [GM 129] Stereo GM Kit patch, which Dorico will load automatically when you apply this playback template.

The instrument that doesn’t have any sounds loaded is the agogô. See this post for more information.

So…that’s a no-go on the agogo…

And…with that I step away. Whatever use I have to this forum on good days has apparently been spent for this one.


Better, but not quite there. Loaded that playback template - I’m getting the Guiro but now I’m losing the Agogo Bell (Percussion 1).

I have revised your project to add the sounds for the agogô:
seize_the_day_revised.dorico (1.9 MB)

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Almost - now the bass drum is missing.
The bari/bass is playing an octave too low and if I try to change the expression map to transpose up an octave itt seems to affect the drum sounds.
Thanks for your efforts. I don’t want to take up any more of anyone’s time. Getting the percussion into Finale in the first place was a huge pain and Dorico isn’t any easier. I’m glad that the XML process preserved the notation, I can live without the playback. Out of over 150 arrangements converted to XML and brought into Dorico, this is the only chart that presented any sort of problem.

To get the bari/bass to play an octave higher, go to Library > Notation Options > Clefs and set Clefs with octave indicators to Respect octave indicator. This will cause the notes in the bari/bass staff to move down an octave. Then select something in the first measure of this staff, execute Edit > Select To End Of Flow, and press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Up Arrow. This will move the notes back up an octave.

The bass drum is not missing, but if you want to increase its volume, press F3 to open the mixer and raise the slider for this instrument.