Hide a Fret Number in tablature without hiding the note and vice versa

I’m creating a page of examples showing where on the fretboard you can play the notes up to E above the staff, and I’m showing enharmonic spellings for non-natural notes. When a note has enharmonic spellings, I would like to hide the number in the tablature. For example the first picture (attached) I would like to hide the 4 that is under the A-flat without hiding the A-flat.
When a note can be played on a different string/fret, I’ve entered that note at least twice more so I can show the different fret positions in the tablature. For example, in the second picture (attached), I would like to hide second A without also hiding the number below it.
Is there a way to accomplish what I’m trying to do here? The pitches and the fret numbers are linked, and I don’t see a way to hide one without hiding the other.

The only way to decide what’s shown in tablature is to switch the original player to notation only, then create a second player, assign only tablature to this player and then selectively use “copy to staff below” to display only the things you want either in tab or notation.
I actually use this method exclusively, except for super simple parts, since the tablature at the moment is very convenient but also very unflexible.
Help is on the way though, because I think the team might be working on a comprehensive solution also covering automatic position markers and the like…


EDIT: On second thought, you might be able to hide notehead and ledger lines in Engrave mode!

I had a feeling that creating a second player was the solution. Also, that’s a good thought about hiding note heads and ledger lines in Engrave mode. I’ll give it a try.