Hide faders in Mix Console

Can we have an option to hide the faders in the Mix Console? For people who use a control surface, the Cubase Mix Console is already great but if we could hide the faders (because we have them on the control surface) I think it would actually be perfect.

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thats right especially when using a motorized midi controller, we could have that space to expand the send area and the equ


All the Remote Devices are linked with the MixConsole 1. If you want to hide some Channels and keep them on your Remote Device, use any other MixConsole in Cubase, please.

Hi Martin,
could it be that you misunderstood the request?
As far as I understood the request is to allow to hide the FADER-Section selectively in the mixer-windows. Currently this is not possible. We can hide all the other sections, but NOT the fader Section. It would absolutely make sense to allow to hide the fader-section of all chanels in case a Remote controller is used for the faders. This way, the screen real estate for the channels would be freed up to show more of the “other” sections. I strongly support this request.



Oh I see. Sorry.

Btw, the MIDI Remote API can do this. For every Bank Channel Zone you can include/exclude the channel type(s). You could use multiple Pages or SubPages to switch among them.

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Even though this does not directly deliver what is requested here, your tips are - as always - a profound help for so many! Thank you, Martin!

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Still, the MIDI Remote API cannot do “this” - if “this” is meant to be able to hide the fader-section only in any of the mixer windows. What is discussed here is not about channel types but about hiding only the fader section in the mixer windows - affecting all channel types.
It is a simple, yet very, very important request that would indeed not only help to safe screen estate when using an external controller, but also make the thing behaving consistently: We are able to hide all sections selectively, but NOT the fader section. This is simply not consistent.


MIDI Remote API can work with ifs.

Sorry, I still probably don’t deer your request.

Do you want to press button and hide all Group Channels in MixConsole 2 (for example)?

People want to hide the faders in any mixconsole.

Have a look at the mock-up screenshot in this link.


OK, so it’s not about the Channel type at all. It’s just about the faders. I got it now.

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Yesss :slight_smile: