Hide slash region to show actual notes

Slash region created by: Write → Create Slash Region.
No green background when created this way.
Using slash notation with stems to pickup the rhythm of the underlying music that was already there (for MIDI playback).
This is a big band chart and I just put something there to work with and copied it to the piano and guitar. Now after the rest of the chart is done, I want to work on the piano and guitar but I can’t find a way to hide the slashes and see the actual notes so I can work with them. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you in advance if you have the answer.

I’d just delete the slash region to work on underlying notations, then if the notations are purely for playback, but I want real musicians to use their own judgement when performing, add the slash region back in after I’m done with the notation

The first way I created a slash region, it was marked in green so I could see it, select it and delete is. I don’t know if I somehow turned the “green” off - in any case, I am not seeing it. I seems to me that I created that slash region differently - and since I can’t see the green, I don’t have a way to select the “slash region” so I can delete it. And yes, most of it would just go back in depending on what I end up writing for an actual guitar part.

Try just clicking on any slash. Does that highlight the entire slash region? Then hit delete.
You may have elected to hide slash regions in the view menu. Check there to turn viewing it back on?

Thanks for the word. No - Highlight Slash Regions is checked in the View menu. Is there another place I could have turned it off? I have seen a slash region that does behave that way, but this one is not doing so.

Can you post the file or a part of the file? That way it is often faster to see what is going wrong.

You can show notes alongside slash regions.

However, slash regions show a generic rhythm – are you sure you created a slash region, and didn’t eg change notes to a slash voice?

Lillie had the same thought I had - are you sure it’s a slash region you ceated with “Write - Create Slash Region” or is it a voice you converted to slash? If you click on a slash does it say “Slash Region” at the bottom of the page?


No, it does not show “slash region” in that space - what I do see is a listing of the notes followed by the name of the resulting chord, hmm. Now that I continue to think on it, I had probably already defined it as a slash display type in Finale before it did the import. And while most of the new score was made from scratch in Dorico, the original piano, guitar, and bass parts were copied from an xml import. In this case, I will just let it be, or just make a new guitar part - which is what I ended up doing with the piano part - just made a piano2. Thanks again for helping me think this through.

In the view menu there is a ‘Highlight Slash Regions’ option. Could that be turned off?

I’m pretty sure I checked that - I think it was really because it came in xml from Finale, so I like it or write a new guitar part. Thanks.

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