I have a layout (Piano and 2 solo instruments) in which Hide empty staves is set to Never. This has always worked for me, but in this case Dorico is still hiding empty staves in the 2 solo instruments. I also tried excluding all parts where you have that choice in Layout Options, but still no luck.
Please post a Dorico file so we can see the totality of the problem.
Here it is. Look at the Piano part (Page view) starting in m. 40.
HideStavesProblem.dorico (1.6 MB)
I think that the “problem” here is that your “Strings” player ist holding no Instrument, in Dorico jargon is an “Empty-handed player”, while the player “Winds” ist holding oboe 2 and violin 2. Try moving the violin 2 to the player “Strings” and see if that gives you what you want.
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That was exactly it. Thanks for noticing!