I have the latest Dorico 5 and don’t seem able to hide a staff (via manual staff visibility) in galley view. It works in page view but not in galley view. Has this not yet been implemented or am I missing something?
Welcome to the forum!
It’s kind of pointless to hide stuff in galley view. It’s the view where everything is workable from a write mode point of view (input and modify content). Galley view is not about the looks. At all.
What you can do in galley view is use the instrument filter, because it can be very convenient to have brass and strings near one from the other while inputting music, without percussion and singers in the way…
Why is your purpose in hiding an instrument in galley view? That might help us help you
I want to video my Dorico screen/audio (via OBS studio software) to send to my students via a YouTube link, with the drum accompanying stave hidden. I realise I can do this in page view but thought it might be clearer in galley view. Ideally I would like something that I don’t think Dorico can do, which is for the music to scroll/advance before it gets to the end of a page, so the student can always see the approaching music on screen, without the fast discombobulating page turns. I realise that making the music scroll horizontally past a fixed cursor might be tricky to implement, but it would be good if the following system was always visible, which I expect would be an easier software update and something I think I have seen in other programs (I can’t recall which, although the Forscore page-turning software allows you to show the next half page in advance).
The instrument filter @MarcLarcher mentioned is documented here:
You can define which instruments to show (and the instruments not in the filter are hidden)
Thanks. The instrument filter fixes the galley view issue.