This is actually a great tip. Thank you.
I’m beginning to regret my purchase of Dorico. No easy way to hide cautionary time and key signatures? I’m an educator and I need this function on a daily basis. It was a piece of cake in Finale. Sure wish Finale wasn’t going belly up. Can I get a refund?
Select the time signature or key signature (at the end of a system) which you wish to hide, open the lower panel (Properties) and click on the appropriate button.
Or, there are options in Notation Options (affecting each entire flow), in keeping with the top-down model.
Depending on the reason behind wanting to hide cautionaries (you mentioned education - perhaps you’re producing scale sheets or exercise documents?) long-term it might be that a more Dorico-y solution is to use separate flows per excerpt.
You can set flows to show other barlines at their end than a “final” (including no barline”), so don’t feel limited that splitting scales etc into separate flows means you would have to finish each chunk of music with a final barline.
No pressure to switch your workflow to that right now if it feels radically different! Just food for thought.
Apparently not Dorico 5 either!
EDIT: I’ll shut up now. I am still learning. It is there!
And how is this “apparent” to you? This is not 2022.
This feature was in fact added in Dorico 5.1 at the end of last year.
I edited my comment. It was m frustration with the learning curve coming from Finale. You don’t have to be snobby though. Many of us used Finale for decades and are facing a steep learning curve while also having to import and edit files we thought were finished.
Sorry for my tone; I could have done with just the last sentence. Here’s a link to the Version History document (5.1.51 as of now) where this info is found.
You have to appreciate that it does get frustrating for Dorico users who can, and do, get tired of ex-Finale users coming to the forum and instead of asking “how can I…?” couch their demands for information as “How come Dorico can’t…” or “I regret ever buying Dorico.”
First we got a whole month of ex-Finale users posting on the Dorico Facebook group various (untrue) conspiracy theories about how Dorico was out to “screw Finale users” and about shady back-room deals between Steinberg and MakeMusic.
Now we are getting an egregious amount of “Why can’t Dorico do…”, or “Dorico is stupid because it doesn’t do it the way Finale did it” posts.
And there has been a fair bit of name calling of the “Dorico fan-boys” variety, as well.
I have to admit to losing my cool a couple of times because of this type of behaviour from ex-Finale users. To the extent that I am simply bypassing the Facebook group completely or filtering out any requests for information from people who self-identify as ex-Finale users.
You can also search the Dorico 5.1 manual for “cautionary time signatures”, and the top 2 results are both highly relevant and informative