Hiding/Showing bar rests on individual staff?

Hello everyone,
I’m currently writing a piece with a more contemporary notation. I got an ensemble with El. Guitar, of witch I need to show graphically the opening and closing of the expression pedal. I created a new instrument with ossia staff size and drawing lines on it. The questions I have are:

  1. Is it possible to hide the bar rests only on this individual staff?
  2. As a test, I changed the time signature on this individual staff, using the open time signature, but when the tempo changes in the other staves, it draws a bar line anyway. Why? Does someone have an idea about this?

for the question 1 one method is to select the rest and chance it’s color to 0% opacity (make it transparent-invisible).

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  • Add one note at the beginning of the ossia staff
  • In Properties, suppress its playback, and turn on “Ends voice”: all the rests disappear
  • Go into engrave mode and hide its notehead and stem in Properties

The reason you have to add this note is that it’s the only way to use “Ends voice”.