History Tab, Left Zone of Project Window is Missing

When I open the left zone of the Project Window, I do not have access to a History Tab. I open the Visibility Tab and see a Zones tab in the bottom right. That’s all I have access to. Also the left zone will not expand to the right. I’m using Cubase 12 Pro and Windows 10.

Hiya, I could be wrong, But I believe the history tab is only an option in the left zone of the Mixer (Mixer history). Under the edit column in main arrange page you have a separate edit history which opens in its own window. :slight_smile:

Post a screenshot of it please.

Who, and of what? :grin:

Thank you for your reply. It was a great help! I found the mix console history tab! :blush:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

All of it is by design and not a bug. Not saying it is good design and Steinberg are currently working on re-designing the left zone of the project window. No schedule, of course.

No need. SurrealistBunny straightened me out. Thanks for your offer to help.

Thank you. Very good to know!