Holy mother of Confusion!

I adore what I’m seeing when I open the new editor. It’s decidedly cleaner, the semi-auto instrument setup is genius, GENIUS I tell you, everything looks so familiar.

…And that’s why I can’t write. My hands do “numpad numbers”, press “R”, “0/-/=”, “Alt-Ctrl-Left/Right Arrows”, “Shift-Q”, I’m doing all the things that my eyes tell me I should be doing, except I’m in Cubase, and nothing works as expected.

So, apart from taking time to get used to the new situation, some questions that pop in mind are:

  • Will we be getting some sort of “plug-in” specific keycommands for the new Score Editor, in order to experience the expected Dorico workflow? (e.g. like HALion, or Pianoteq, or other plug-ins that listen to key commands when they are in focus, because Dorico’s pop-overs are over half of the fun for me and I would love to be using them as if I was running Dorico from within Cubase.)
  • Or will the key commands remain the same as before, global and Cubase-wide?

If you have any tips to help me adjust faster, I would be really grateful!


You will have to use the Cubase key commands as they are. There still are a few that aren’t wired up to Score Editor functionality. If you come across existing key commands that you would like to do something specific in the Score Editor, do let use know.
We’ve considered how we can bring Dorico’s extensive key commands into the Score Editor, but ultimately, that scheme of context-specific shortcuts is technically quite involved and would have a lot of repercussions in other areas of the program, which is why we haven’t gone down that road. On the upside, users familiar with Cubase key commands should feel right at home.

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Hi Stefan -
Enjoying the score editor and want to help with the key commands.
I’m on Windows. The score editor has it’s own menu system, separate from the main Cubase menu but the score editor menu doesn’t use the proper shortcut letters that the main menu uses (i.e. Alt+F for File) . This would be really useful.
Also. my assigned “Close” key command doesn’t work for the score editor (I’ve mentioned this elsewhere but since I’m on the subject of key commands here I’ll mention it again). Btw- If the Windows Alt+F was working I could use it with C for close.