Holy shamoli my brain cannot comprehend the new smooth scrolling on the mac!

Halleluia - ha - le - freaking - lu- iaaaaaa!!!

Crazy that this took so long for whatever reason and you need to pay for it in an update BUT so freaking happy - this feels so smooth - night and day - it makes working in the daw so much more pleasing. and this is essential when working for hours on end.

(PS downloaded and installed with no issues in literally 10 mins form start to end.)

EDIT: I literally cannot stop scrolling just to watch how much more smoother it is than before - must stop scrolling and do some work ….

It’s better, but still not perfect.

Now we will wait for a FULL SCREEN mode!

I agree, it’s way better. I spent so much time trying to figure our why my Mac couldn’t handle Cubase with large templates. I eventually had to buy and external graphics card in order to run my multiple screens smoothly, otherwise, the scrolling was so slow and jittery that I couldn’t visually tell what bar I was on. CB11 has made my life better this week.

Hopefully they are now going to put some focus on Mac users. Full screen mode and trackpad usage should be priorities. Logic just feels so much smoother. But I love Cubase.

full screen mode ?

What exactly is smooth scrolling?
For instance, when I scroll in 10.5, because my mouse itself has physical stops in it (when you move it just a little, you feel a bump that the wheel passes over and a groove that it settles back in), the screen of Cubase does a similar thing. So it’s not smooth, but it’s not jarring. It just moves a few millimeters at a time.

Is that changed such that it sort of ramps up speed and smoothly ramps down when you stop scrolling?
Is the major improvement you are seeing because of the demand you typically place on your system that would make scrolling extra choppy?

Nothing to do with cpu demand or whatever in my case. It was just jumpy. Exactly as you described. Now. No jumpy. Smoothy

Horizantal scrolling with is now sane also:) It would go 100 bars with a little scroll. Now it is really good.

When I’m playing a demanding project, I do get choppy vertical scrolling in the arrange window. Is this the kind of thing that’s better in C11? Or is it just scrolling in general, and demanding projects still are choppy for scrolling… I wish there were a demo version.