horizontal alignment of string indications

I’m writing for a solo stringed instrument and have a passage of string crossings where each note is assigned to a different string, indicated with a Roman numeral using text. How do I align those Roman numerals in a horizontal row above the staff? Each Roman numeral is attached to a different note.

At present there’s no “align” function for text.

I would recommend setting Engraving Options—Text to a higher value above the staff, which should make them the same height. Then you can Select More and move them all down at once.

Thanks I’ll try that

You could look into using string indicator playing techniques? The ones provided by default are Arabic numbers in circles, but you could make your own custom playing techniques with Roman numerals - the benefit of playing techniques being you can group them, which automatically aligns them, and offers the option to show continuation lines, if a sequence of notes are played on the same string.

I tried grouping my string numbers in order to align them, however I don’t want the continuation lines. I tried setting the continuation line to “none” in the edit playing techniques dialogue, but they still appear. Is there another way to align my string numbers without showing the line? Also, there might be somewhere else in the score where I would like a continuation line for string numbers, so maybe grouping them and getting rid of the line isn’t the best solution anyway.

Were you definitely changing their transition line (which is shown between playing techniques) or were you instead changing their duration line (which is shown after single, ungrouped playing techniques or the last technique in a group if it has duration)? They can have different appearances (e.g. an arrow at the end for a transition line, a hook at the end for a duration line).

You should also be able to override continuation lines (both transition and duration) on an individual basis.

I’m not sure, I was changing the “continuation type” to none. The transition/duration line dropdown menus don’t seem to have an option for “none”.

Thank you, this is what I needed. I was looking in properties in Write Mode, I always forget that Engrave Mode has different property options!

Having reminded myself of what I wrote in the dialog, Continuation type doesn’t apply to transition lines. You would probably need to select a Transition line type that results in an invisible line, somehow.