How can I change the fade-out slope to a curve in Cubase?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to apply a fade-out to a specific clip event, but the default fade creates a straight line slope, as shown in the image below:

What I want is to make the fade-out curved, similar to a rotation or easing curve, rather than using a linear slope. I know you can manually add points with the pen tool, but what i want is a way to directly adjust the fade itself into a curve without needing extra points.

Is there a way to change the shape or curve of the fade-out slope ?

Thank you.

Audio > Fades > Open Fade Editor(s) :



Double-click on the right-top triangle. The Fade Out window opens, where you can set the curve.


I learned something, this morning : didn’t know that a [double-click] on the triangle opens the corresponding Fade editor. Until now I have seen it just as a way to adjust the fade time. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Martin :))

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