How can I display rests before a voice begins or in bars in which it does not appear?

I hope the question in the title is not embarrassing for someone who has been using Dorico since version 2 and writes a lot of fugues for keyboard instruments.

I’ve never really looked into this problem because it’s not a top priority, but I’m finding more and more that it makes a fugue (for keyboard instruments) clearer, especially for teaching purposes, if whenever a part stops, it continues to be presented in the form of rests. How can I realise this?

For the beginning, it’s a bit cumbersome, but I found this works: Once the voices exist later: Show the caret, set the voice, , o Shift-B, rest to enter a forced bar rest. It will be selected but underneath the bar rest in the primary voice, so move it down in Properties. Unfortunately I think you have to add every bar rest manually, because Dorico doesn’t copy bar rests.

For later in the piece, turning off “Ends voice” on the last note of a passage should be sufficient.

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Thanks! Never thought about doing it that way. I could have figured it out myself but I was too ignorant to do so.