I created a system with a fixed number of bars as a 4-bar, but after adding 12 more bars, the system is no longer a 4-bar . How can I fix it?
In layout options, you can select a fixed number of bars per system. That way you don’t need system breaks.
I tried to do this, but it doesn’t work.
Make sure you remove all manual system breaks to allow casting off properly.
Interestingly, I deliberately tried it with a couple of manual system breaks already in, and it successfully cast off around them. I couldn’t get it to show a big clump of measures at the end even when I added some.
Once I removed system break, it worked. Thank you!
It was because of the system breaks. now it works. Thank you
It’s not just actually the system break per se, but the fact that it had the property “Wait for next.” If this property were un-checked, it would be no problem to have a system break there. When you set it to “wait for next,” that’s where the crowding starts! Dorico will keep filling the system until it sees the next break.
Thank you, @dan_kreider! I completely “spaced” on that property. (It might be handy if it were somehow indicated in the System Break signpost.)