How can I get a musical system center-aligned vertically on the page?

See pic. I would like the middle staff line to be exactly in the vertical center of the page. The flow headings, page numbers, etc. I have already removed. (This is my setup for displaying musical fragments in books etc.)

What are your music frame margin settings for this layout? I would expect that if you set these to be the same, the staff should be centered vertically.

Thanks Lillie! I’ve already set both of them to 0mm.

That’s odd, if the top is 0mm then the top staff line should be flush with the top music frame margin. Can you share the project? (or a version that just includes this layout)

Here you go.
Fragment 1 (1.1 MB)

Aha, thanks for sharing that - it took me a moment to figure it out! But the reason is although you’d deleted frames from the flow heading “format”, the best way to hide flow headings is in Layout Options>Page Setup>Flows>Show flow headings: Never - this prevents Dorico from “expecting” flow headings and accounting for it in the spacing.

If you change the setting to “Never”, the staff jumps up to the top of the music frame as expected. You can then adjust the frame padding to position the staff in the middle - about 9mm at the top looks roughly right to my eye.

Thanks a ton, Lillie, once more! Your approach works perfectly.