How can I send a crashlog fille?

I’d like send a ceashdump.dmp fille but unfortunately not alowed to send than .jpg, gif, and png filles. About 2 weeks I can’t use Wave Lab 9 becouse it crashes on startup. Please help me to send a crashdump fille to you. I hope this may solve my problem. Thank you.

If you get the crashdump file through WaveLab diagnostics (is that the case?), there is an option to “submit a bug”.

Thank you for answer. Yes I have a zip fille created by Wave Lab 9 when it crashes on startup that included crushdamp.dmp, error code xml, mainlog.txt and two bitmap filles screenshot 1 and screnshoot 2. Every time when I tryed to open wl9 I try to submit a bug Tab but after that it crashes on the internet I think is error 404 or 401, so I can’t use submit a bug function on the internet. So I have only one chance on this case. Send me a please a mail adress where can I sent you crashdump fille or all zip fille.
Thank you very much for answer and I hope will help me.