How do I create a blank flow, not a blank page?

Hello, I need to create a blank flow within a score to insert performance instructions which would show no physical music. I simply want to add a text zone. If I add a blank page I don’t have the flow number. And the instructions don’t take up a whole blank page. Any help much appreciated!

This is a case where uou could create a custom page template where you can create a text frame with or without music frame(s). And then use a page template change in ypur file where you see fit. This is only possible with Dorico Pro.

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Thank you. When I do this it is not a flow, just a custom page. I am on Dorico Pro

Yes, you are right. A flow needs some music on some staff. You can’t have a flow without music at all. You could fake it, using that technique.

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Yes, I suppose I could just then alter manually the flow numbers and get round the issue with a blank page as you suggest, Marc. I thought, as a fairly new Finale-to Dorico convey, that there may be a step I was missing. Thanks again!

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sorry I meant to say Finale to Dorico convert

Here’s an example file for you.


textframe.dorico (569.8 KB)


Just to make sure we’re on the same page (no pun intended) I never recommended a blank page. You mentioned it twice. Blank pages, for me, only have one purpose : making sir the next page is an odd or an even page.
I talked about creating a new page template that would have all your text indications on it, and using a page template change in Engrave mode>Right Panel>Pages.
I hope this will help!

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Thanks again Marc.
Sorry if I’m getting my terms confused. Yes, a blank page for convenience turns, I know that one. It’s just that when I insert a new page template, to correspond to written instructions for a whole number in my show (the actual music being of free choice for the performers) and which I’ve understood how to do, the flow numbers for the following pieces of my work don’t follow. I suppose it’s a detail I can override…

Thanks very much Jesele

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Well, actually you would need to give up on using automatic numbering. You can write the flow number along with the flow title in the file info window. You are right in thinking this is like loosing some flexibility. But you’re working around a problem that has not been planned by the Team.
You could request some (musically) empty flow handling. They read everything :wink:

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Thank you again Marc. I will follow your advice and really appreciate your help today.
Best wishes,

Hi @sallygalet, adding to the useful suggestions above by @MarcLarcher and @jesele , here a method (based on the ones suggested) for your request to create one flow with no music and only text, but with a normal Flow Heading and flow numbering.

Worflow (click to enlarge)
  • To create “invisible music” for one specific flow:
    Using a custom player holding a 0 line instrument (only active for the desired flow); name of this instrument deleted; end barline of that specific flow set to invisible in Notation options; flow has only one bar, and a whole note written at the beginning of the flow, invisible and with playback suppressed; time signature hidden.

  • Then create a dedicated page template based on Default, containing the normal music frame, and a superimposed big text frame with the desired text. This page template has then to be applied to the correct page.

  • Added two frame breaks added, to isolate that music frame to one page, if necessary.

So you have invisible music and the desired text for one specific flow, and the Flow numbering is maintained :slight_smile:

If the music in the other flows changes, and the pages numbers change, you can easily move the Template Change override using the little arrow icons in the pages panel of Engrave mode.


Here the Dorico File:
Project with only instructions for flow 3.dorico (669.3 KB)

Some partial screenshots of the Workflow:



Hello Christian, I’m very grateful for your help and have studied your file + workflow advice. I see that for the flow where you hide the stave you chose “0 Line staff (dans la partition)” but when I search my French version I can’t find any equivalent. I’m confident your method will work once I get this information…

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Great workaround. I admit I did not think about the (still unsupported) 0-line-staff. Very good idea!

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Yes, this is not (jet?) a factory staff/instrument.
I used the doricolib file courteously posted by @FredGUnn.
Here the post:

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Thank you Christian. I followed the link and download the file which I then added here (I’m on MAC) /Users/Sally/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 5/
The screenshots with all the numbers and extensions are far beyond me I’m afraid! I tried restarting my computer to see if the instrument would appear, without success… will try again to figure that when I can…
As I must deliver a lead-sheet I have managed to free the flow of music for this version in another way by simply erasing the word “Tacet” in Layout options. It’s not a real solution I know but works meanwhile.