How do I create in Cubase the UR28M's "Mix 1", "Mix 2", "Mix 3"?


Can someone tell me please how they are using the UR28M’s “Mix 1”, “Mix 2”, “Mix 3” buttons in one Cubase project?

I don’t know how to create alternate mixes in one Cubase project except with cue sends, and if I set up multiple cue sends I don’t know how to tell the UR28M which is Mix 1, vs Mix 2, vs Mix 3.

Thank you for any help!

PS: I don’t know if this is mainly a UR28M question or a Cubase question, mods please move if appropriate, thank you!

C14 Pro, W10

Does this explain it?

Or do it in Audio Connections using the Control Room

Thank you, @steve .

It’s a good thread with great info from the fantastic Mr. Brihar, but it doesn’t help me with what I think is something pretty basic I don’t understand, which is how to do this:

How do i create 3 different mixes in one Cubase project?

The arrow in your Pic points to different monitors of course. The UR28M distinguishes between Monitors A, B, and C vs Mixes 1, 2, and. 3.

So I’m not sure where/ how I create the different Mixes …

Thanks again.

The mixes are monitor mixes, no?

How is this?

Annotated in my phone, sorry

I think you just activate a mix, make the adjustments that are available, and repeat for each mix

It’s not a Cubase mix that this refers to

Embarrassed to ask - what mix is being referred to then?

Any UR28M users here who use the Mix 1, Mix 2, and Mix 3 buttons who could also help out?

The monitor mixes of the device itself – reverb, and the other settings available on the device, afaik.

Oh I see - you are saying what differentiates Mix 1 from Mix 2 and Mix 3 etc is simply any differently applied dspMixFX effects on the device itself?

That’s my understanding, yes

OK, thank you, @steve , I hadn’t considered that.